Monday, April 2, 2012

The Color Run, Atlanta

I signed my man and I up for The Color Run along with our two oldest.  Everyone wanted to go, but with all our kids, we just couldn't afford it.  Friday night I realized that I didn't really prepare for the run; not only do I never exercise, but I also forgot to find someone to keep the other kids.  So I sent child #4 in my place (who really wanted to go more than any of us).

If you don't know what The Color Run is, it's the happiest 5k on the planet - where they throw colored powder at you during the race.  The only thing they ask is that you wear a white shirt.

Derek was sweet enough to take plenty of pictures since I couldn't be there myself.  Well, in reality, we all could have gone and the rest of us could have been spectators - but honestly, I love my bed at 7:00 in the morning, which is when they left for Atlanta.

The below picture shows how good this color is .... these two guy's shoes are black!

I think we'll have to save up money and hope that The Color Run comes back to Atlanta next year so we can all have fun!

1 comment:

kneecoalgrace said...

I totally want to go with you next time!