Friday, September 9, 2011

Walking = Pedicures

I've started walking in the morning after I drop the kids off at school.  My eventual goal is to go every morning, Monday through Friday; but right now I'm trying to go three times a week for a 2-mile walk.  I like to be rewarded for my efforts, so on the weeks I have made it to the track three times, I take myself for a pedicure. 

I went to a different place last week and got completely pampered.  It was a younger guy who talked me into paying extra for a hot stone massage for my legs, but it was totally worth it.  Now I'm not one who likes designs on my toes and when he asked me and I said my usual, "No, thanks."  He said, "I do real special for you."  So he twisted my arm and he did this elaborate design that from my vantage point, look like a mess and just a bunch of green swirls all over my big toe.

When I got home to show my husband what a crazy job this guy did, Derek looked closely and said, "It's a staff!  With a treble clef!"  I had no idea!  I'm still not too keen on my crazy looking big toe, but it's pretty cool to have something other than a flower.

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